Thursday, July 8, 2010

In Yahoo! Widgets Picture Frame Error: Yahoo! 1005: Bad Arguments - how can solve this to c my pict.?

In Yahoo! Widgets Picture Frame Error: Yahoo! 1005: Bad Arguments

In Yahoo! Widgets Picture Frame Error: Yahoo! 1005: Bad Arguments - how can solve this to c my pict.?
Make sure that you're running the latest version of the WIdget Engine. (Select "About Yahoo! Widget Engine" from the Gear menu to show the version. If it's less than 3.1.2, update.)

Also, since you're telling the Picture Frame to show your Yahoo photos, make sure that you actually have some photos posted there for it to show.
Reply:That's a programming error. There's nothing you can do to fix it. You just have to wait to see if the error is caught and corrected.

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